TCP LED17E26P3830KFL Dimmable LED 17-Watt PAR38 Flood Lamp
The TCP LED17E26P3830KFL Dimmable LED 17-Watt PAR38 Flood Lamp with best price now available on Amazon, here is the details :Also you can choose to buy a product and TCP LED17E26P3830KFL Dimmable LED 17-Watt PAR38 Flood Lamp at the Best Price discount via Online store with Secure Transaction Here...
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Read more details about TCP LED17E26P3830KFL Dimmable LED 17-Watt PAR38 Flood Lamp
The LED17E26P3830KFL Dimmable LED 17-Watt PAR38 Flood features the world’s best LED Chip technology, providing exceptional light output, lamp efficiency and color stability. This flood lamp provides a 40-Degree beam spread with its unique TCP-designed optical components that maximize light output and control beam angles as well as light dispersion. Precision-designed optics offer extremely accurate light pattern control, with no washouts, color shifting or hot spots. Comparable to a 100 to 150-Watt incandescent bulb, this 17-Watt LED offers 1050 Lumens, a CRI of 85, and Color Temperature of 3000K. Ideal for dimmable PAR38 flood and spot light applications in track lights, recessed down lights or display lights, it provides no-compromise functionality, including full dimmability all the way down to 0 per cent-- just like a PAR halogen. With a high Center Beam Candle Power (CBCP) of 2000 candelas you will receive a luminous, intense light in the specified direction your fixture will allow. The LED17E26P3830KFL exceeds 60 Lumens per Watt (LPW) - Energy Star standard is 45 or more LPW - giving you unparalleled system and energy efficiency. Durable solid state lighting technology along with a high-efficiency thermal management system improves lamp performance and extends lamp life. TCP was awarded the Energy Star Partner of the Year Award in 2010 and is the home of lighting innovation. Driving new ideas for commercial, industrial and residential applications is a way of life. As the world leader in energy-efficient lighting, no one makes more compact fluorescent lamps or offers one of the largest selections of ENERGY STAR-approved products for distribution throughout North America and abroad. Our product line includes compact fluorescent lamps, cold cathode, linear and high bay systems, exit and emergency lighting, HID, energy-efficient linear fixtures, and LED lighting products.Also make sure you really know all features with the TCP LED17E26P3830KFL Dimmable LED 17-Watt PAR38 Flood Lamp, visit the amazon to read more about this product :

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