Miracle LED 605150 Extenders Led Bulb, White, 2-pack
The Miracle LED 605150 Extenders Led Bulb, White, 2-pack with best price now available on Amazon, here is the details :Also you can choose to buy a product and Miracle LED 605150 Extenders Led Bulb, White, 2-pack at the Best Price discount via Online store Amazon.com with Secure Transaction Here...
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Read more details about Miracle LED 605150 Extenders Led Bulb, White, 2-pack
These Premium 2-Inch Bulb Extenders are sometimes used when bulbs are replaced with LED, Many older recessed lighting fixtures are made for the longer incandescent bulbs. When the design of the fixture calls for it, just add the extender or stack extenders to bring the bulb 2 to 4 to 6, whatever you need. Made of highly insulated glass porcelain these extenders will last for years and years, no matter the temperature.Miracle LED Premium Socket Extenders- 2 Pack Extend your indoor/outdoor flood lighting needs. The Miracle LED is the latest technological innovation in lighting and the Premium Extenders will expand the range of the LED bulbs to maximize coverage while maintaining the unique efficiency specifications on all Miracle LED bulbs. Like LED lights, but have recessed fixtures? These socket extenders are just what you need! Miracle LED solves the biggest problem of using LED lights in ceiling cans and other recessed fixtures! The trouble with traditional LED's is that they aren't long enough to be used effectively in recessed fixtures. As a result, light coverage is significantly reduced. These socket extenders solve that problem for good! Simply screw them into the socket, install the bulb and presto! You can even screw one extender into the other for more versatility. Excellent light coverage coupled with the energy savings of an LED! Set of two extenders. Includes: 2 x Miracle LED Premium Socket Extenders
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