LED MR16 Spotlight 12V 3.8W (300 Lumen - 35 Watt Equivalent) Halogen Replacement Bulb 2900K Warm
The LED MR16 Spotlight 12V 3.8W (300 Lumen - 35 Watt Equivalent) Halogen Replacement Bulb 2900K Warm with best price now available on Amazon, here is the details :Also you can choose to buy a product and LED MR16 Spotlight 12V 3.8W (300 Lumen - 35 Watt Equivalent) Halogen Replacement Bulb 2900K Warm at the Best Price discount via Online store Amazon.com with Secure Transaction Here...
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Read more details about LED MR16 Spotlight 12V 3.8W (300 Lumen - 35 Watt Equivalent) Halogen Replacement Bulb 2900K Warm
This Bulb is great for replacing your standard 12V Halogen spotlight. The LED Bulb will direct light more accurate instead of spreading the light in any direction and the light seems amazing clean and deliberate compared to halogen or other traditional type bulb. It will last five times longer and are shock resistant. In case you drop the bulb it will likely still work. The bulb will not generate UV and heat so you will avoid burns from touching the bulb. The bulb therefore will not melt your lighting fixture or discolor it. The bulb has a 30 degree spread (beam angle), 2900K color temperature (warm) and 300 Lumen light output. This bulb have 60 individual LED pieces. The light bulb will unfortunately not work in all 12V power sources and you may have to replace the transformer/adaptor main unit if it has a problem with low load (it may work if you leave one halogen bulb to carry some load). The bulbs application is perfect for home, restaurants, shops, office, etc. Also available in color temperatures white 4000K and daylight bright 6000K. Note that the bulb is slightly taller than a standard Halogen bulb.Also make sure you really know all features with the LED MR16 Spotlight 12V 3.8W (300 Lumen - 35 Watt Equivalent) Halogen Replacement Bulb 2900K Warm, visit the amazon to read more about this product :

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