High Power 6W LED GU10 base Flood 60° Soft White Lamp
The High Power 6W LED GU10 base Flood 60° Soft White Lamp with best price now available on Amazon, here is the details :Also you can choose to buy a product and High Power 6W LED GU10 base Flood 60° Soft White Lamp at the Best Price discount via Online store Amazon.com with Secure Transaction Here...
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Read more details about High Power 6W LED GU10 base Flood 60° Soft White Lamp
6 watt 100-240V MR16 GU10 LED lamps, with 3 pieces of 2W CREE XR-E High Power LED, GU10 base, a new heatsink that feature a higher lumen output of 330 lumens for soft white bulbs (this is not a dimmable LED - NOT FOR USE WITH DIMMERS). The XLamp XR-E LED is leading the LED lighting revolution with its unprecedented lighting-class brightness, efficacy, lifetime and quality of light. These lighting-class features enable the XLamp XR-E LED to replace many traditional light sources and save money with energy-efficient light and long lifetimes.Also make sure you really know all features with the High Power 6W LED GU10 base Flood 60° Soft White Lamp, visit the amazon to read more about this product :

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