GE 73439 45-Watt R20 Reveal Floodlight Light Bulb
The GE 73439 45-Watt R20 Reveal Floodlight Light Bulb with best price now available on Amazon, here is the details :Also you can choose to buy a product and GE 73439 45-Watt R20 Reveal Floodlight Light Bulb at the Best Price discount via Online store with Secure Transaction Here...
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Read more details about GE 73439 45-Watt R20 Reveal Floodlight Light Bulb
GE 73439 45 Watt R20 Reveal Floodlight Light Bulb. Transform every room in your home from ordinary to extraordinary with Reveal bulbs. Reveal's unique neodymium glass filters out dull, yellow rays, unlike regular soft white bulbs, leaving you with enhanced, vivid surroundings. Replace ordinary light bulbs with GE's Flood and Spotlight in all your track and recessed lighting fixtures.GE reveal bulbs fill your rooms with clean, beautiful light. GE reveal technology filters out dull, yellow rays, bringing out colors and patterns that go unnoticed under regular incandescent light. These bulbs' funnel shape and reflective coating help direct light where it is needed better than a standard incandescent bulb. Use GE reveal indoor floodlights in indoor recessed track and recessed fixtures to create broad beams of light and make colors and patterns pop. GE reveal color-enhanced full-spectrum bulbs create enhanced, vivid surroundings in rooms and spaces throughout your home.
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