GE 47479 26 Watt, 90-Watt Equivalent Energy Smart Floodlight 9 Year Life R40 Light Bulb
The GE 47479 26 Watt, 90-Watt Equivalent Energy Smart Floodlight 9 Year Life R40 Light Bulb with best price now available on Amazon, here is the details :Also you can choose to buy a product and GE 47479 26 Watt, 90-Watt Equivalent Energy Smart Floodlight 9 Year Life R40 Light Bulb at the Best Price discount via Online store with Secure Transaction Here...
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Read more details about GE 47479 26 Watt, 90-Watt Equivalent Energy Smart Floodlight 9 Year Life R40 Light Bulb
GE 26 Watt (90 Watt equivalent) Energy Smart Floodlight 6 Year Life R40 Light Bulb. Saves $64.00 in energy costs* Lasts 5 times longer than a regular soft white indoor floodlight*. GE Energy Smart bulbs provide the same light as a Soft White bulb while using fewer watts. Application: Indoor spot and floodlight with 5-inch wide fixtures. Base: Medium screw (E26). Bulb Type: R40. Initial Lumens: 1300. Guaranteed to last 6 years based on 4 hours use per day at 120V. Electricity cost savings based on rated life of 10,000 hrs compared to five 90 watt R40 bulbs (rated life 2000 hrs). Energy savings based on 10c per kilowatt hour. Reliable starting to -10oF(-23oC). Lamp requires a short warm up period to reach full brightness.The GE energy smart indoor floodlight CFL s feature a GE Spiral bulb on the inside that uses 75% less energy and lasts up to 5 times longer than incandescent indoor reflectors. These bulbs' funnel shape help direct light where it is needed better than a standard CFL or incandescent bulb. Use GE energy smart indoor floodlight CFLs in indoor recessed track and recessed fixtures to create broad beams of light in any room or space.
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Outdoor Flood Light Bulbs Review
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